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TTA Spring Meeting

Join us for our Spring Meeting in Nashville

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 12:00 PM (EDT) to Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 11:00 AM (EDT)

Holiday Inn Express Downtown Nashville

920 Broadway
Nashville, TN 37203-3807
United States

* Registration open until 4/23/19 at 11:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

TTA's Spring Meeting is a time for those in the industry to connect. Taking place in Nashville, this year's event will feature presentations to enhance your business, improve marketing opportunities, and gain technical insights on solid state transformer technology, recent advances in soft magnetic materials, and more. 

Click the Registration Options button above to register by March 22!




Sleeping rooms at the Holiday Inn Express Nashville Downtown are available at a rate of $189 per night, and must be booked no later than March 22. The number of rooms is limited and we encourage you to register and book your room now! Use the following link: TTA-Reservations, or call the hotel directly at (615) 244-0150, and be sure to mention The Transformer Association to receive the group rate.


Group Activities 

Essex Facility Tour - Tuesday, Apr. 23, 12:45-5:00pm

Essex Magnet Wire and Essex Brownell have invited TTA members to tour the Essex, Franklin, Tennessee, Magnet Wire Plant. Essex will provide a chartered bus to pick up members at the hotel. Transit time is 30-45 minutes each way. The bus will leave the hotel promptly at 1:00 pm (please meet in the hotel lobby by 12:45 pm), and return the group to the hotel by 5:00 pm. (Please note that magnet wire competitors are asked not to participate in this activity.)


Opening Night Reception - Tuesday, Apr. 23, 6:30pm-8:30pm (Optional Add-On)

TTA members will gather for an opening night reception at Tin Roof Broadway, a 10-minute walk from the hotel. The cost is $85 per person, which includes heavy appetizers and an open bar until 8:30 pm.


Offsite Reception & Dinner - Wednesday, Apr. 24, 6:00-9:00pm

All attendees are invited to a reception and dinner on Wednesday night which will be held at an offsite location, the Wildhorse Saloon. This meal is included in the cost of registration. We ask that you confirm whether you will attend so we can ensure an accurate headcount. Live music and line dancing lessons will be available in the main hall of the Saloon.



Dealing with a Crisis at Your Company

This session is designed to provide business professionals with the insight, capability, and confidence to deal effectively with the media during normal business activities and crisis situations. This overview for the Transformer Association will provide a rich experience on actions to consider if a crisis should occur and the opportunity to learn more for customized training of your company teams.

    Nancy Valent & Robert Valent, NVM Strategies


Securing Your Network: Practical Responses to Cyber Threats

    Ed Cordiano, CMIT Solutions


Tariff and Trade Issues

    Adams Lee, Harris Brickens


Business Management Forum: Scarcity - How to Do More... with Less

    Kelly Goldsmith, Vanderbilt University


How to Build a Marketing Machine from Scratch

In this session, Sam will help you understand why right now is the time to become a media company and tell you how you can build your own marketing machine from scratch.

    Sam Brenner, BoxCast


Technical/Engineering Forum: 

Solid State Transformers: Current State of Technology and Emerging Challenges, Subhashish Bhattacharya

Recent Advantages in Soft Magnetic Materials and Component Design: Permeability Engineered Magnetic Cores, Paul Ohodnicki

Applications Relevant Core Characterizations and Data Sheet Development, Byron Beddingfield

Craig Addington
Craig Addington Executive Director Thomas Associates, Inc. - C
Bob Allen
Bob Allen Mr Star Technology, Inc.
David Anderson
David Anderson Mr. Big TT Electronics
Joe Ashley
Joe Ashley Mr. SNC Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Hollace Barden
Hollace Barden Business Development Lodestone Pacific
Rich Barden
Rich Barden President Lodestone Pacific
Gary Bates
Gary Bates Mr. Vishay HiRel Systems LLC
Kathryn Berckman
Kathryn Berckman Business Development Manager Saint Gobain
Bruce Biggs
Bruce Biggs Thomas & Skinner Inc.
Mike Brady
Mike Brady VP of Sales Magnetics
Tom Bresele
Tom Bresele President Electronic Craftsmen
Patrick Britton
Patrick Britton Account Executive Thomas Associates, Inc. - C
Christopher Brown
Christopher Brown Mr. Tempel Steel Company
April Bruffy
April Bruffy Sales Manager CWEIME Americas
Glenn Clouse
Glenn Clouse National Account Manager Superior Essex
Glen Collins
Glen Collins Mr. TSC Ferrite International Co.
Scott Crawford
Scott Crawford Rubadue Wire Co.
Matt Davis
Matt Davis President Nova Magnetics Inc.
Greg Dittrich
Greg Dittrich Mr Essex Brownell
Rod Duhaime
Rod Duhaime Director Of Engineering Roman Manufacturing
William Dull
William Dull President Triad Magnetics
Laila Durban
Laila Durban General Manager Manutech Assembly, Inc.
Doug Eaton
Doug Eaton Senior Design Engineer Electronetics
Clayton Elliott
Clayton Elliott Design Engineering Manager New England Wire Technologies Corp.
Cliff Evans
Cliff Evans President and CEO Badger Magnetics
Curtis Frye
Curtis Frye Curtis Frye 3M
Lynne Frye
Lynne Frye CEO Kreger Components, Inc.
Mark Frye
Mark Frye President Kreger Components, Inc.
Bob Fyrer
Bob Fyrer Business Development Manager DuPont
Jean Garneau
Jean Garneau Mr Superior Essex
Alex Gianaras
Alex Gianaras Mr. Transformer Manufacturers, Inc.
Michael Gibney
Michael Gibney Mr. Union Partners
Bill Glass
Bill Glass Magnetics
Frederick Goeckerman
Frederick Goeckerman Mr. Thermik Corp.
Philip Gordon
Philip Gordon Mr Essex Brownell
Blaine Gray
Blaine Gray Vice President Electronic Craftsmen
Ben Guggenbiller
Ben Guggenbiller Mr Standex Electronics
Jeffery Henry
Jeffery Henry Mr Mapes and Sprowl Steel
Gary Hicks
Gary Hicks Mr. Dongan Electric Manufacturing Co.
Steven E. Hicks
Steven E. Hicks Mr. Dongan Electric Manufacturing Co.
John Hindle IV
John Hindle IV VP of Operations Hitran Corporation
John Horner
John Horner Mr. Micrometals Inc.
Doug Hutt
Doug Hutt engineering Hammond Manufacturing Company Ltd.
Kyle Jensen
Kyle Jensen Director of Business Development Rubadue Wire Co.
Edward (Ted) Johnston
Edward (Ted) Johnston Cogent Power Inc.
Vineet Kshirsagar
Vineet Kshirsagar General Manager - North America Standex Electronics
Toby Noblin
Toby Noblin President TC Metal Co.
Paul B. Oberbeck
Paul B. Oberbeck President National Magnetics Group, Inc.
Vahe Ohanian
Vahe Ohanian Sr. Director of Technical Services Mapes and Sprowl Steel
Daniel Ott
Daniel Ott Sales Director Tuboly-Astronic AG
Eric Persinger
Eric Persinger Reginal Sales Manager - Central US Elantas PDG, Inc.
Robert Prescott
Robert Prescott Mr. M. C. Davis Company, LLC
Jamie Reesby
Jamie Reesby CWEIME Americas
Jeff Riley
Jeff Riley Mr. Cogent Power Inc.
Bob Ross
Bob Ross VP/GM - UPG Electrical Tempel Steel Company
Bob Smith
Bob Smith Spang & Co
Tim Smith
Tim Smith Mr. TSC Ferrite International Co.
James Tabbi
James Tabbi Mr. Exxelia RAF Tabtronics LLC
Gary Teagardin
Gary Teagardin Mr. Star Technology, Inc.
Bruce Thackwray
Bruce Thackwray President Lenco Electronics Inc.
Sean Toland
Sean Toland President Rubadue Wire Co.
Ralph Tropeano
Ralph Tropeano Mr. Windsor Stevens
Jimmy Walker
Jimmy Walker Sr. Product Manager EIS, Inc.
Brian Wells
Brian Wells Mr. Cortec Enterprises
Chuck Wild
Chuck Wild Business Manager - Specialized Electronic Products Dexter Magnetic Technologies
Mark Winkeler
Mark Winkeler Manager - Applications Engineering Elantas PDG, Inc.
Julie Yuan
Julie Yuan Ms. Amidon, Inc.
16 Other Registered Attendees


April 23
12:00 PM - 4:30 PM Board of Directors Meeting (Includes working lunch)
12:45 PM - 5:00 PM Essex Magnet Wire Plant Tour (Please note: magnet wire competitors are asked not to participate in this tour.)
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Reception at Tin Roof Broadway (Optional Activity - $85 fee)
April 24
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast & Tabletop Exhibits
8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Welcome and Introductions
8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Materials Updates
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Sponsor Presentations
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM Dealing with a Crisis at Your Company Nancy Valent & Robert Valent
10:30 AM - 10:50 AM Networking Break with Tabletop Exhibits
10:50 AM - 11:45 AM Securing Your Network: Practical Responses to Cyber Threats, Ed Cordiano, CMIT Solutions
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Tariffs & Trade Adams Lee, Harris Bricken
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Networking Break with Tabletop Exhibits
2:30 PM - 4:15 PM Technical/Engineering Forum
2:30 PM - 4:15 PM Business Management Forum
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Offsite Reception & Dinner (All Attendees) Wildhorse Saloon
April 25
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast & Tabletop Exhibits
8:30 AM - 8:50 AM TTA Membership Meeting
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM How to Build a Marketing Machine from Scratch, Sam Brenner, BoxCast

For More Information:

Rachel James
Rachel James
Client Services Associate Thomas Associates, Inc. (216)241-7333