Gary Bates Mr.
Mike Husman Mr
Paul Larkin Mr.
Tina Abnossi Ms.
Trent Guerrero Mr.
TTA Logo Manufacturer

Areas of Expertise
3 Phase Transformers, 50/60 Hz PC Mount Transformers and Chokes, Audio Transformers (except telephone), Bobbins and Coil Forms, Computer and Medical Grade Isolation Transformers, Defense/Aerospace Transformers and Coils, Equipment/Apparatus Transformers /Reactors, Ext Mounted Btry Chrgr Power Supplies/Transformers, Ferroresonant/Electronic Regulating Transformers, Industrial and OEM Current Transformers, Low Voltage Control and Signal Transformers, Machine Tool/Industrial Control Transformers, RF, Video and Microwave Transformers, Small Power Pulse and Datacom Transformers, Surface Mount Inductors and Transformers, Switchmode and Converter Magnetics, Telephone Transformers and Coils (except data), Toroids, Utility Instrument and Signalling Transformers